Halloween being one of my favorite holiday, I am so bumped that I had to work, and didn't get to see some of my friend's kids in costume. Hopefully next year, I can take the day off to drive up north to see my niece. I heard she's a tinkerbell this year.
I don't get a lot of chance to sketch much any more, but I've managed to do some last couple of days.
This is Tien-Ding Liao, a lengendary hero in Taiwan when Taiwan was a Japanese colony. A lot of stories were told about how he fought against injustice of Japanese officials, and he was eventually hunt down and killed by Japanese police at young age of 20.
My friend has an adorable 2-years-old boy, who picks up any round object and call it "ball", then bounce it on the ground. He gets a kick out of throwing balls. Today I saw him pick up a small pumpkin and tried to bounce it on the floor. haha, good thing it was too heavy for him to throw hard, otherwise there would be some pumpkin guts all over the place.
I came home and sketched a little boy holding a pumpkin, the boy doesn't look like him though.
trying couple of different look for a girl that might appear in one of my comic.
Please ignore that boxy thing in the middle, that was going to be a Transformers design but it never went anywhere. He looks like he transformed from a lighter... 6_6
Hi EJ, it's me ,漢寶包
Love your pencil work, and was surprise to see Tien-Ding Liao.
A personal project of yours ?
I heard a friend said that Tien-Ding Liao was betrayed by his best
friend "Red Turtle "and was killed during his sleep in his hideout.
hello 漢寶包! 你也來啦? ^^
Tien-Ding Liao is one of the story I want to draw someday, right now it's not really a "project" yet.
Yeah, I heard he got betrayed too, I was looking for some book on him, but it was out of print. hopefully I'll find another one.
I think most of the books about Tien-Ding Liao is located in Taiwan.
Any book list ? I could check it out next time I visit Eslite Bookstore.
I ordered from a Taiwanese book website, and they canceled the order on me because they can't locate the book. I can't remember what I ordered, I'll find out and email you. Thanks! ^_^
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